It’s been a minute

It’s been a minute.

A minute and a year or 3 that is. So yeah, here’s the blog again – back by “popular demand”.

and by popular I mean 3 people and by demand- my only devoted followers- shout out to the Lynch Ladies- asked once, kinda, with emoji-con things… Let’s see how long I can keep it up- my attention span isn’t fabulous these days since Mom told me to “relax” my ADD-meds earlier this week…

So yeah, popular demand had brought this back. That and the fact that really what else do I have to be doing? Oh also because of damn Corona/ Covid-19.

March 2020 will go down in infamy in New England for so many reasons ( and most of the USA, but mostly NE). Social distancing, and hoping to “flatten the curve” of the spread of the damn corona virus have blessed me with the opportunity to sit at home and try to find time to blog. So I will do my best.

I have 100% bought into the model of flattening the curve so will do my part to help slowdown the spread. While there’s been lots of convo about what this means, how it will work, and for how long life will include social distancing and self isolation, and no actual school/work for most of America, I can say that I believe in this idea and its keeping me sane.

Also, tell me to stay home and chill AND pay me. Seriously? And Really? Is this retirement I’ve been dreaming of? There will be NO complaints coming from me during this mess of a time (even though I DEFINITELY have strong feelings about TB12, no complaints…) I’m definitely #blessed and #grateful and all that stuff. For real.

So here’s today’s blog: ( ha- you thought THAT was it?)

Day 1

Actually, it may be Day 1, Day 5 or Day 3? What day should I count today as in the “social distancing of 2020” event?

If my count includes not working, well, first there was just the weekend. Then, I treated Monday like a long weekend and Tuesday like a ‘I really can’t go back to school after the long weekend’ day, but ok I will do some school stuff online, and today, well today, I was like “now what”? So is today Day 3, or Day 1?

On the other hand, even though I haven’t been at work since Friday, so really it’s day 5 of “at home”.

However, I did pick up some Target “shopping to go” (definitely gonna have a separate blog post on that concept) on Sunday, so am I counting this as an at home day? I mean I left the house and I interacted with people. Also I went to the UPS store to a drop off an Amazon return and then to CVS today via the drive-through. Another person. Two people total. So does this count as an “at home” “social distancing” day? Do I start the count over?

I guess I need some clarity on the what exactly I am counting. Am I counting the days that I am not working? Am I counting the days that I’m totally isolated from the world (except mom and everybody in the world on social media) Or am I counting the days I am just home/ on a forced ( using the term loosely there) “staycation”.*

Also related to this fabulous blog topic ( Shelley you wanted this, don’t be judgey now): I wonder really, is having “day count” going to be healthy for my mental health? Or anyone else’s? A few years ago one of my friends told me to stop reporting on “how many days of summer were left” b/c it was “anxiety inducing” for them. Fair enough I thought. So occasionally I would look at the calendar and say “what day is it?” I mean aside from the break between Christmas and New years, when nobody changes their clothes or leaves the house and seems concerned at the slightest about the day, I’ve not really had to be super concerned about the day count. Maybe the same applies now? Thoughts from the peanut gallery on this whole count thing please.

I’ll end with a “good” “day count” statistic: 2 Days – for the past two days I have turned my phone to DND from 8 PM to 8 AM.

And put my iPad away at 9 PM (I like to play puzzles on it at night so gave myself and extra hour for that) AND I’ve limited my access to Twitter and Instagram to a max of 30 minutes each day using the Apple screen time app. Although now I’m starting to think maybe I should change it to Instagram one hour and Twitter zero hours or like maybe five minutes?

Also, I know I said 2 days, but really it’s been almost 3 that I’ve been doing this whole tech limit thing (gonna need a name for this- suggestions welcome) since I’m already cut off from Insta and its only 4:20pm. Gotta end now, hopefully going to FaceTime with the WCDs soon, and need to find some pics for this thing now…

😘 TTYL (that means talk to you later Mom & Ginny)

oh and:

* ps: how many times did I put things in “quotes” in this blog. I am feel like I have been talking in “air quotes” quite a bit this year. Hmmmm wonder what that means?

2 thoughts on “It’s been a minute

  1. Forgot you said you would do this…after searching thru text messages finally found it! Yep, feel like you’re sitting right here next to me as I read this😘 gotta catch up, on to the next one!


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